Parents naturally want to know what it will cost them to send their child to BG. They ask, “what is the tuition?” What they do not understand is that while BG’s tuition is on the low end of private and Catholic schools nationwide, we know it can sound quite expensive and turn away families before they really understand that they may be able to access BG for less than the full-priced tuition. Scholarships and financial aid are available and used by the majority of BG families.

After applying for admissions, you can apply for financial aid here:

 BG (Simple Tuition Solutions) Financial Aid Application.

After completion you will be notified of scholarships and awards made to you, and your net tuition. If you do not intend to apply for financial aid, you can set up a payment plan or pay in full at the same link above.

If you can afford tuition typically charged by Catholic schools nationwide, you will find BG’s rates quite competitive. Your tuition goes directly into keeping the quality of education up to our high standards. You will find BG to be an excellent value for a high quality experience.

If you feel that you cannot afford to pay full tuition, you are not alone. We have ways to make it affordable for you. BG has adopted a policy that the school will meet every family’s full financial need. If you want to send your child to BG, we will work with you to make that happen. It is part of our mission; we want to make the BG experience available to every child who may benefit. BG may be the best investment you will ever make.

We are not trying to be coy about the cost, but we do not want stated tuition to be a deciding factor before you get a chance to understand how valuable and accessible BG can be. Please reach out to us at, or go through the process so we can tell you exactly how much it will cost you.

A BG education is as good or better than private schools in other areas costing far more. Nevertheless, we understand it is a financial commitment and sacrifice for most families. With scholarships (not need based) and financial aid (need based) we are blessed to be able to make BG a reality for students. Scholarships are not based on athletic, or even academic, performance. Need based aid is based on the financial aid application which can be found under here: BG (Simple Tuition Solutions) Financial Aid Application

We encourage all interested families to apply or contact us ( to learn more.