Growing, Developing, and Thriving

BG is a warm, supportive, yet challenging place where students develop themselves academically, socially, and spiritually. It is a safe, supportive community in an anxiety-filled world where students can do their best and thrive. BG students become successful. Each student takes increasing ownership over their learning, activities, and goals. Overcoming each small challenge breeds confidence. Confidence grows, and they take on more significant challenges. They are confident and independent by the time they graduate, ready to succeed at College and beyond. When students are freed to take responsibility, the results are excellent.

BG students develop lifelong friendships, participate in sports, performing arts, and more, earn college credits, and most importantly, become wonderful young adults. A spiritual, disciplined environment connects them to a purpose greater than themselves. 

Most students (even academically average students) take multiple college-level courses at BG and 15% play sports in College.

BG has small classes so that learning can take place everywhere: in classrooms, online, at home, in the community, and on fields, courts and stages. Students are active, not passive. They come to school to engage with others and become part of a community that helps them grow and develop. This is made possible by a disciplined environment built on strong values with respect for each person.

Classes enable students to interact with others. They discuss, debate, and deepen their learning. Each student connects with the content to learn it and develop their point of view while critically thinking about the subject. They learn to express themselves by sharing their viewpoints during classes and with teachers in their written work. They don’t only do it on their own. Students work on projects together to learn the subject and how to work as a team.

Every day, students use their school-issued iPads to access school content and learning apps. As a result, students have 24/7 access to their course content and assignments in the same learning management system most top universities use. This frees up class time for richer learning experiences and not just listening to lectures.

Every student will get to know their teachers, and the teachers will learn their strengths and development needs. 

After school, students are equally active. There is never a dull moment between sports, drama, music, model UN, new clubs like esports, and more. We are proud of the BG experience and encourage you to visit to see for yourself.