INternational TUITION & FEES

Tuition, Room and Board: $45,500

Medical Insurance: $750

Fees (Registration, Technology, Student ID, grade related activity fees): $700

Total: $46,950

Scholarships are available based on financial need, and on a case-by-case basis.

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Online Application
BG Alum, Ran

I have learned a lot during my time at BG!

“I have learned a lot during my time at BG, which has provided me with valuable life experience. As we all know, BG is a Catholic school. In the second semester, I took the class called Building Catholic Fluency. It not only helped me understand Catholicism, but also helped me improve my English level. The teachers at BG are very friendly and they gave me a lot of help with my studies. BG is also a TOEFL test site so I was able to take the TOEFL test at BG which saved me a lot of commuting time.”

Ran Zhou / China