It’s Easy to Apply, at No Cost!

BG takes a holistic approach to evaluate students for admission. Evaluations are based on prior school records, individual needs, and overall fit. Admission is based solely on whether the child is prepared to benefit from the BG experience.

Among the criteria, NOT considered in admissions is the family’s ability to pay, religious affiliation, athletic abilities, or other unique talents. BG does not recruit athletes or provide athletic scholarships; BG adheres to all PIAA regulations. As the premier private school for the area, BG actively seeks to create a diverse class that wants to become part of our supportive, positive school community. 

If your child graduated from one of BG’s feeder schools, the admissions process is automatic (with rare exceptions). Families will begin by completing the: application for admissions (US domestic students).

A significant portion of the class comes from various other schools each year. BG is a welcoming place, and your child will quickly feel at home.

Religious affiliation is not a criterion for admissions. In addition to Roman Catholic students, we have welcomed other Christian denominations, non-denominational, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, and other religious affiliations. All feel comfortable at BG. We get a chance to share and learn about faith traditions and grow spiritually. The school applies critical thinking to religious matters so students can self-advocate for what they believe. BG creates a nurturing environment and allows for authentic growth in all aspects of the individual.

The ability to safely discuss an individual’s values and beliefs (along with our high-quality academics, sports, and activities) is a key differentiator of the BG experience.