A Letter From The Principal


At Bishop Guilfoyle, we carry on a tradition of commitment to our students’ journeys, from their high school experiences to leading lives of success, happiness, and significance. 

As we introduce the Class of 2021 – the 95th senior class to graduate from Altoona Catholic/Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic High School to the ranks of our alumni, we reaffirm our efforts to provide exceptional educational experiences befitting of our proud traditions. 

We continue to embrace our founding values – goodness, discipline, knowledge – and our commitment to an educational program centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ. At the same time, we are keenly aware that we must incorporate quality competitive programs to prepare our students for our ever-changing and competitive world. 

By external standards, BG offers an excellent return on investment in our educational programs. Our 100% college placement rate, higher-than-national-average test scores, opportunities for unselfish service, and challenging curriculum are impressive. They are based on enduring values and adaptability to the needs of the times. Our high school is constantly changing, continually renewing, while remaining true to our mission. 

Each year sees additional adjustments and attention to what is needed to prepare our students to live happily and productively in a constantly changing world. Our advances in technologies, foreign languages, travel opportunities, and a robust religion program offering leadership and spiritual broadening have contributed to our recent growth. After just a short period, visitors to our school recognize a well-defined balance of vibrant academic atmosphere, genuine care and concern for others, enthusiastic support, and participation in activities. 

This campus is a happy community where students are engaged in their work, play, activities, and prayer. 

We have 11,000+ alumni who display our school values of goodness, discipline, and knowledge in their chosen careers and involvement in their churches and community. 

We have teachers who pursue their calling as educators with passion, compassion, challenge, and encouragement. 

Moreover, we have students who carry on our long tradition of excellence with youthful energy and enthusiasm, which combines to create a powerful story for potential students and their families to consider. 

We hope you have your own #BGMemories!